Dog Aggression Training

Dog to Dog Aggression

This is the most in-demand issue requiring Kathy’s professional guidanceIf your dog has reactivity and aggression issues towards other dogs, we safely address this issue by working with other dogs. With these consultations, you come to Kathy, so we work together with your dog and Kathy’s dogs. There will be several different dogs to help your dog, and it is unlike any consultation available to dog lovers in Western Australia. Many dogs have significantly benefited from the dog behaviour modification Kathy covers during these popular consultations. 

Book a 10min One-On-One
Consultation today!

Dog aggression towards people, including the dog's humans, visitors and strangers.

These are often serious issues that create much anxiety for you and people who come into contact with your dog. Kathy consults in your home for such cases. She provides behaviour solutions and management strategies to keep situations safe for everybody who is a potential target by your dog’s aggressive behaviour. Many of these individuals are anxious dogs and require behaviour modification and training strategies that involve humane methods without violence.

Inter-dog aggression (dogs residing in the same household that fight)

This common dog behaviour problem creates much anxiety and distress to the dog’s humans and the dogs themselves. With varying aggression levels between the resident dogs, some dogs cause emotional and physical harm, often leading to serious injury requiring veterinary care. Acting on these issues very early in their identification aims to set you and your dogs up for living together in a much safer manner. With a behaviour consultation at your home, Kathy will discuss the level of seriousness associated with your case and deliver a behaviour modification plan in the vast majority of these cases.

Reactive Rover®

Online Program​

This Online Course Reveals My MOST POWERFUL Techniques for Improving Your Dog’s Behaviour in 30 Days or Less!

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Personalised Serviced

Kathy’s support is second to none! Kathy will respond to messages, emails and texts promptly. She cares about your continued progress with your best friend, regardless of how complicated your dog’s behaviour issue may be. She understands how important your dog is to you and waiting for days to respond isn’t a strategic option for her.

Kathy’s service aims to make the learning process enjoyable, informative and engaging. Her unique method of communication with you, ensures you feel important every step of the way.

Kathy’s authentic approach is non-judgmental and doesn’t hold any breed prejudice. Only effective dog and people-friendly methods are used and ensures food incentives are used strategically to avoid heavy reliance.