FORGET about men behaving badly! If keeping your precious pooch in line is proving impossible, this handy pocket-size book could be a lifesaver.Written by Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant and former RSPCA Dog Instructor, Kathy Kopellis McLeod, 105 Great Ideas to Having a Well Behaved Dog takes a candid look at the interaction between humans and their canine companions.This book was written from the perspective of one of Kathy’s Siberian Huskies, Chilli, and outlines dozens of handy, dog-friendly hints to combat the difficulties and challenges often experienced in the owner-dog relationship.
The colourful A6-sized book lifts the lid off such mysteries as what your pooch’s facial expressions mean and how dogs think, details toilet training tips, and reveals the best words and phrases to use in training.
Understanding your ‘best friend’ isn’t always easy, but knowing some of the secrets behind what makes dogs tick means less headaches for you and your pet. The tips and hints in 105 Great Ideas show dog lovers how to be great leaders so they can have a happy, healthy and well-behaved pet.
Kathy has a Certificate in Canine Behaviour and is recognised by the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants as a Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant. She has more than 25 years practical experience and a sound knowledge of dog psychology.
Pages: 52
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